higheel4.txt Highheel Boot Camp Chapter 4 Torture was fun! This had always been Herman Shankley's simple philosophy of life. He knew that a great many people didn't approve of this philosophy. But he'd just have to be more carefule this time... Herman's vicious usage of poor Evangeline Tate brought back vivid memories of the past to the hulking rapist. Herman Shankley recalled with great nostalgia that erotic episode with little Yvonne De Santonnis. Yes, Yvonne had been a succulent little thing, the first of the luscious young girls who had been his rape victims... Herman lived in Oak Grove back then, in an old Victorian house which had belonged to his late mother, Edith. Herman had transformed the big house into a bizarre museum to his wierd, eccentric desires and tastes. A lot of construction had gone on in the garage and basement. Herman purchased lumber and metal and had all sorts of equipment. He transformed the whole basement of the place into a hellish playpen, filled with sinister and bizarre equipment. And then, Herman sat back to bid his time and consider what to do next... Little Yvonne De Santonnis solved this question for him. It was a hot June afternoon and Herman sat in a chair in the den, whaking off as he watched a porn video on the VCR. Herman was shirtless, his brawny chest gleaming with sweat. His gray pants, which tucked into a pair of boots, were unzipped. His heavy balls draped out, and his rock-hard horse-meat throbbed massively in the air as he stroked on it. On the video, two black brutes were whipping a young white girl who was hanging from the ceiling... Bound Beauty and the Beast was a erotic classic which never failed to stir Herman Shankley's libido. Yes, though he had seen it dozens of times, he was panting now, his narrowed green eyes glittering with sadistic delight as he watched the blonde slut get viciously whipped. Her screams coursed into his ears like the most beautiful fugue imaginable... Just then, the door bell chimed. Herman frowned angrily, who could it be, disturbing him in the midst of his fun? Some salesman, probably. Herman Shankley did not have any friends, nor did he want any. He was a loner, and he liked it that way just fine. Herman rose up, tucking his schlong back in his trousers and zipping them up. He strode through the Victorian house to the front door. Angrily, he yanked it open. "Hello, sir! Would you like to buy some cookies?" a perky little female voice chirped brightly. There she was-little Yvonne De Santonnis, standing on his doorstep as innocently as Little Red Riding Hood on the verge of meeting that transvestite wolf. What a lovely girl! Her chestnut brown hair was braided, in exactly the same way Herman would braid Evangeline Tate's hair years later. She had big, sweet violet eyes. Yvonne's nose was a tiny upturned button of a thing. She had full, rosy lips which dimpled her cheeks when she smiled, which was quite often - she was a cheerful girl. Now she had a brown girl scout uniform on, with a sash covered with all sorts of badges, and a cute beret perched merrily on one side of her head. Yvonne had a willowy little figure, with apple sized bobbies poking outward cutely against her uniform. She carried a bag piled with boxes of girl scout cookies. Yvonne's smile faltered and there came into her twinkling violet eyes a look of uncertainty as she stared up at the huge, silent man who loomed above her. He had not answered her question. And he was looking at her very strangely, Yvonne thought. Very, very strangely... His eyes were gray and icy, and his thin lips were curled in a weird snarl. Goodness, he was odd... She noticed he was shirtless and that his very muscular chest was slick with sweat. And those strange gray pants he had on! How tight they were! And how huge the bulge was which crept along the inside leg of those trousers. Yvonne shot a look to her left, and then one to her right. She didn't see her friend Barbie at all. Barbie was somewhere on the block, also attempting to sell girl scout cookies. Yvonne took one step backward and said shakily, "Uh, uh, I guess you don't want to buy any, sir! Well! Good day!" "Wait!" Herman barked in a deep, authoritative voice which stopped her in her tracks. "How much do they cost?" "Oh, just $1.89 a box, sir!" Yvonne chirped automatically. "I'll buy six!" "Six?" Yvonne was amazed. "Why, that's just fine, sir!" "Come inside. I'll get you the money." he snapped, stepping aside and gesturing impatiently with his hand. Elated by the prospect of selling all but one of her boxes in such a short time, Yvonne skipped merrily into the house, like the fly into the spiders's web... Herman grinned evilly as he let the thick oaken door slam thunderously shut behind him. Yvonne stood in the huge, dark hallway of the sinister Victorian house, looking around with wide startled eyes. Goodness! What a spooky place! "Come along, come along!" Herman Shankley said gruffly, striding past her. "I haven't all the time in the world, you know! What's your name, girlie?" "Yvonne De Santonnis," Yvonne told him as she followed the big, half-naked man through the kitchen. "Hmmmm! Yvonne, eh? Silly name!" Herman pushed open the door leading down into the cellar. "Go down there! Put the cookies on that table and I'll get you the money!" Yvonne went down the creaky wooden steps into the basement. A single naked light bulb dangled from the ceiling, throwing a cool whitish light through the dank, cavernous cellar. When Yvonne reached the bottom step, she busily looked about for a table. She saw a big table to her right and cheerfully approached it. Then she looked around her. What an odd place! There were tables and wood blocks and weird looking contraptions everywhere. She saw chains and levers and pulleys and peculiar instruments, none of which made any sense to her. She saw racks on the wall. She saw whips and other bizarre looking torture instruments. Yvonne started to feel a little strange and frightened again. There was suddenly a metallic click. Music began to play from two concealed speakers - some scratchy Yma Sumac album. Yvonne jumped in shock. She heard Herman booted step on the stairs. Shankley strode slowly downstairs, his thin lips twisted in an unnatural grin. Herman shut the door to the kitchen behind him, locked it, and put the key in his back pocket. A careful man was Herman Shankley... "Uh, I'm...I'm getting your cookies for you, sir!" Yvonne stammered weakly, fumbling nervously in her bag. She started piling boxes of cookies on the table next to her. All Yvonne wanted to do now was get out that strange place just as fast as her little legs could take her... "You're a pretty little thing, Yvonne De Santonnis," Herman leered as he swaggered up to her. "Why t-thank you, how kind!" Yvonne stammered. "You a virgin?" Herman demanded brusquely. "W-What?" "I said, are you a VIRGIN?" Herman demanded loudly, leaning down and staring straight into her eyes. Yvonne had never seen a pair of eyes so frightening as Herman Shankley's. There was something about him... Something not quite human... Something absolutely terrifying... He had the manner, the look and the voice of someone who demanded to be obeyed... And Yvonne felt herself already sinking into his power. "Y-Yes sir! I am!" she whispered, blushing to the roots. "We'll just see about that, won't we?" Herman said roughly. "Now! Get outta that silly girl scout outfit! That dumb thing makes me just wanna puke!" "I...I've got to be running along sir," Yvonne said weakly, sidling by him. "I'll just come back later for the money, O.k.?" She tore for the steps like a jack rabbit, racing up them three at a time, her heart going wild. She clutched the doorknob, whimpering softly as she twisted it. Cold fear ripped Yvonne's heart - it was locked! She was locked in the cellar with that awful, scary man! She shrieked in fear, yanking wildly on the door knob. "Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!" Yvonne wailed wildly. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Herman's ringing laughter echoed over Yma Sumac's ululating voice. Herman strode up the steps, his big boots clumping on them hard. Yvonne twirled around him, sobbing and shuddering, leaning against the door, her violet eyes rolling in terror. "Please! Let me out of here! I'm SCARED!" the little creature whimpered. "You're a bad little bitch, Yvonne," Herman snarled, "Running away from me like that and making such a ruckus! Who the hell do you think you are, behaving like that in my house?" "I have to GO!" Yvonnne squealed. "PLEASE let me go!" "You're gonna stay right here, cunt! And you're gonna learn the meaning of sado-masochism! Got it, you little whore?!" Herman reached out, grabbed her by the sash, jerking her forward. Yvonne shrieked and struggled weakly as he slung a brawny arm around her narrow waist and heaved her up across his shoulder. He carried the struggling, kicking girl scout downstairs once more. Herman carried her to the center of the room and tossed her on the floor. "Now! Get naked, slut!!" "NOOOOOOOOO!" Yvonne wailed. "All right, then! You're gonna get it!" Herman warned. He strode to the wall and selected a huge black snake whip. Gripping it in his huge hand, he returned to where she half-lay on the floor. He started swinging the whip furiously. The hot lash ripped and slashed at Yvonne, tearing into the naked flesh of her arms and legs, snapping against her uniform, sending sharp jolts of pain shooting all through her body. "Strip off that uniform, cunt, before I rip it right off your back!" Herman screamed as he whipped her. Yvonne was sobbing and shrieking in fear and agony by now. She clutched at her uniform with trembling little hands, fumbling with the buttons. Moaning pitifully, she began to hastily undress. She was quaking like a leaf. This man was terrible! And he was extremely frightening! Why, he was quite obviously a psychopath of some sort! Yvonne had read and heard of such people - sex fiends, they called them... How horrid that she should fall into the hands of a sex fiend! Yet, Yvonne felt a tiny quiver of girlish excitement as she took off her clothes and stood shivering in the big, dank cellar, wearing nothing but her birthday suit. Herman Shankley's blazing eyes greedily devoured the girl's slinky young body. Her pert, wobbly titties were certainly succulent, with big, rosy nubbins. She had a slim waist. She had ivory colored skin. Her tiny puffy pink pussy mound was softly dusted with blonde peach fuzz. She certainly looked virginal! "I'll ask you one more time, Yvonne De Santonnis!" Herman sneered, looking down at her with glowering eyes, "Tell me true! Are you or are you not a virgin!" "Y-Yes sir!" Yvonne moaned between sobs. "I'm a good girl, I am!" "That remains to be seen, my dirty little slut!" Herman said briskly, "Now! Get you little butt over here!" He grabbed Yvonne's chestnut-hued braid and yanked her forward roughly. Yvonne yelped in pain, stumbling blindly after the fellow. Herman dragged the girl over to a big block of wood which had been transformed into a bizarre sexual torture instrument. Gripping Yvonne's slender shoulders, he pushed her on her back on top of this strange block of wood. He swiftly drew a seat belt over her slender midriff and buckled it tightly. He grabbed each of Yvonne's arms in turn, pulling them down and snapping leather belt loops around her wrists. These loops were attached to chains hammered into the floor. Now, poor Yvonne was belted down naked on the block of wood. "I don't LIKE virgins, you dirty little bitch!" Herman snarled, "Virgins make me fucking SICK!" Herman reached down and grabbed a weird lever in the wood block. He drew it upward slowly between poor Yvonne's spread legs. Bulging out of this lever were two wooden phallic looking objects with smoothed, rounded edges. Wires were attached to the lever, and as Herman pulled it upward, the two wooden phalluses began to shudder. The biggest of the two wooden things was around five inches long and very thick. The one below it was smaller. As he slowly pushed the lever up between Yvonne's thighs, it became abundantly clear what those wooden posts were for. The bigger one pointed right at the puffy pink mound of her mons. The little one aimed at the milky cheeks of her ass... "I'm gonna make sure you ain't a bona fide virgin before I use ya for my own satisfaction!" Herman said. He slowly pushed the crank forward, till the rounded end of the big post jammed up against her moist pink twat. Yvonne stared down at it in horror, squirming feebly against her bonds. "N-Noooo! Please! Don't!" Yvonne wailed weakly, looking at him with enormous eyes. "Let me GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Never, slut!" His muscles bulging, his teeth grinding, the shirtless sadist savagely rammed the lever forward hard. The blunt, vibrating wooden post jammed into her pussy, stretching it wide, pumping deep inside of her. Her hymen was ripped wide open and the virgin's blood gushed. The smaller post punched up against Yvonne's puckered anus just when the bigger post popped her cherry. "AAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Yvonne De Santonnis screamed lustily. Raw agony exploded between her legs. Fire seemed to tear and vibrate all through hter tortured little pussy and ass. Lights and colors flared behind her tear-dazzled eyes. She bucked and heaved against her bonds, lound shrieks of sheer agony ripping from her healthy little throat. "Yeah, bitch! Feel it!" Herman Shankly panted, jerking back the crank so the the posts squelched out of her again. "Feel the pain! Feel the heat! Feel my POWER!" He began to heave the crank up and down, his biceps bulging as he fucked the wooden posts savagely up her torn, aching pussy and blazing little butt-hole. Each time the wooden plugs tore into her tortured passages, a jolt of electricity would shoot through the wires, adding a violent shock to her agony...